Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starting my blog!

So today I finally got around to starting my blog. Now I always see these people who are posting all this personal information, pouring there heart and soul onto the internet for anyone anywhere to see. I guess it is the author's issue to deal with, and I presume that they know what they are getting into, but it's not for everyone. Luckily for me,  this blog I am creating now will not be containing embarrassing stories of my past or my future aspirations in life. I will be posting about my opinions on various topics ranging from everyday activities to the Presidental Election.
Now this is the first time that I have done anything of this sort, so I was a bit skeptical getting started.  I thought it would be extremely difficult to "make a website" and manage it regularly, but once I saw how easy it was to create a blog and post on it, all my concerns disappeared.
Now that I have my blog up and running, I am sitting here with a huge case of "writers-block". Since I have never blogged before I am unaware of what the style and content of blogs should be. When I look at "professional" blogs such as the celebrity scandal blog www.perezhilton.com or even Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban's blog www.blogmaverick.com, I see that most blogs are very personal in both language and style. I am going to try to keep this blog professional while still maintaining a personal and informal style.

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